“Homework Hassle:
Owáyawa wówaši óta"
[Episode # 8b]
Broadcast Date:
Sunday, October 30, 2011 9AM CST
SDPB-3 / PrairiePublic-4
Supporting Materials:
Episode Script
Episode Vocabulary
Comprehension Questions
Brother complains that he’s
given too much homework and that’s why he has fallen so far behind at school. Papa blames it on his highly distractive study environment and until Brother gets caught
up, there’ll be no television, video games, loud music or chatting on the phone. When Brother decides to do a little homework every night, he finds it’s much easier to stay on top of his workload.
Matȟó Hokšíla waúŋspekhiye kiŋ wówaši eháš óta yuhá thiyáta khiglékhiye s’a na uŋ owáyawa-ta taŋyáŋ iglóaye šni kéye. Atkúku kiŋ héčhetula šni na táku óta, wičhítenaškaŋškaŋ na wakȟáŋgli wóškate, na omás’apȟela, na wóolowaŋ kiŋ henákeča iyáuŋpe-phiča kéye. Ho čha ȟtayétu iyóhila haŋkéke awówaši ečhúŋ kta gluštáŋ k’uŋ heháŋtaŋ akhé taŋyáŋ wayúštaŋ s’eléčheča.